Save our Girls 2014

Sounds familiar. What is happening now, has happened elsewhere, recently. Why? Because slavery IS Islamic. Because the expected obedience of women to men is in the Quran. Female slavery is canonical text. Fundamental Islamists use the Sunnah to guide their conquests and craft their laws. What else is in there? Verses on how to divorce wives who have NOT YET BEGUN TO MENSTRUATE. Children. Everything that common sense tells us cannot be sanctioned by our religion.. is. If it violates a human right, please don’t explain it away, or further apologist literature on it. It doesn’t work. Just kick it to the curb. Teach it how it is, and then teach why we should reject it, not wish it away, or pretend it is inaccurately translated, or abrogated. If it is there, it is proof that it is NOT DIVINE.

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